Mike Hopper
2004-02-28 15:56:13 UTC
I came across the somewhat troublesome issue of how postage stamps, and
collections of such items, might be treated by any enforcement of the
UNIDROIT conventions. The particular case is that of "Unidroit Convention
on the International Return of Stolen or Illegally Exported Cultural
Objects" see:
and especially the annex (l) where stamps and collections are directly
spelled out. As I understand this convention any item listed that is more
than 100 years old and which cannot be proven to have been legally exported
from the country of origin is liable to be confiscated and returned to the
country of origin.
My stamp collection interest is in 19th century postal objects so they would
all fall into this category. I know I cannot prove that many of them were
"exported legally" from whatever country they came from.
Does anyone have any information on what stamp dealers and collectors are
doing about this convention which has been agreed to by a number of
countries but only put into law by a few? Why were stamps included in this
protection of "cultural artifacts" at all? I notice that Norway has drawn
up some specific rules on the stamp question and has set a value of 15,000
Euros on any item or collection to be covered by their legislation.
What is the status of this convention in other countries? I hear that in
both Germany and the UK the government is being subject to significant lobby
pressure to implement their versions. I would like to keep up with what
other smaller countries are doing about this.
There is a strong backlash against the convention from coin collectors and
dealers but have seen very little from the philatelic world. See
http://www.unidroit.com for some of the anti-UNIDROIT commentary.
collections of such items, might be treated by any enforcement of the
UNIDROIT conventions. The particular case is that of "Unidroit Convention
on the International Return of Stolen or Illegally Exported Cultural
Objects" see:
and especially the annex (l) where stamps and collections are directly
spelled out. As I understand this convention any item listed that is more
than 100 years old and which cannot be proven to have been legally exported
from the country of origin is liable to be confiscated and returned to the
country of origin.
My stamp collection interest is in 19th century postal objects so they would
all fall into this category. I know I cannot prove that many of them were
"exported legally" from whatever country they came from.
Does anyone have any information on what stamp dealers and collectors are
doing about this convention which has been agreed to by a number of
countries but only put into law by a few? Why were stamps included in this
protection of "cultural artifacts" at all? I notice that Norway has drawn
up some specific rules on the stamp question and has set a value of 15,000
Euros on any item or collection to be covered by their legislation.
What is the status of this convention in other countries? I hear that in
both Germany and the UK the government is being subject to significant lobby
pressure to implement their versions. I would like to keep up with what
other smaller countries are doing about this.
There is a strong backlash against the convention from coin collectors and
dealers but have seen very little from the philatelic world. See
http://www.unidroit.com for some of the anti-UNIDROIT commentary.