Historians behind Americas social problems
(too old to reply)
Leonard Abbott
2003-10-21 00:40:57 UTC
Historians behind Americas social problems

Unfortunately victors rewrite history to justify the part they play in
any war, It usually takes about a 100 years before honest historians
with insight come along, and correct the revisionitss handy work.
It is taking longer than usual, correcting America's Great Civil
War history, because so many Americans are fanatical Abolitionists, for
political and spiritual reasons. It is extremely unpopular for a
historian to suggest, the war was fought for any reason, other than to
abolish slavery.
Although the Anti-slavery movement, was a carbon coppy of the
Communist movement in Europe and Russia,I have never read, writings of
any Historian comparing th two.
Like communists, Abolitionists subversives were sent in by, a
foreign power to encourage citizens to break the law, and disrupt
domestic tranquility, for the purpose of destabilizing the Government.
Although the Communists executed millions of Russians, and
demonized millions more the Russian people, were willing to forgive the
foreign invaders and embraced Communism for 70 years.
Americans today are no different from Russians, several hundred
thousand Americans were killed and Southerners were demonized for a 100
years.and Americans still see the Civil War as something great.
There is a mountain of evidence, indicating England and France
initiated the anti-slavery movement in the US, solely for the purpose of
destabilizing the Gov in Washington.to further Colonilism. around the
America was the only power in the world that opposed Colonialism,
and America was powerfully enough to expel the Colonial Powers from
North and South America.
America's challenge to Clonialism ended with the Civil War.
Everything the European powers wanted, the obtained through America's
weaknesses because of the war.
Although the Abolitionist movement divided the Nation and created
a climate for hate and lowered moral standards.
There was another conflict brewing, that was the real cause for the
North and south going to war with one another.
After a bitter debate in Congress, Florida was admitted to the
Union in 1845.
Bitterness grew as the Northern Politicians began to realize Southern
expansion, westward was endless and the South would eventually, gain
control of Congress,
Just who all was involved, is difficult to say however an idea was
hatched to remove all Indian tribes, in the South and create a barrier,
west of Arkansas. Then making an independent Nation for Indians,
That would exclude White settlers from homesteading west of the Arkansas
Yankee politicians thought they could get away with the plan by
blaming the deed on southern greed, wanting to steal the Indian's land.
History places blame for removal of the Indians on the shoulders of
old hickory. Andrew Jackson, America's most ignorant presedent, however
although Jackson may have been an Indian hater, He loved the South, and
loved the west, and would do nothing to slow expansion, or reduce the
South's political asperations.
There are so many clews and holes in the Indians removal plan, any
historian with average intelegence should have been able to expose, what
the Yankees were up to.
Simple things like the shape of Oklahoma on the map, with a long
handle, the handle had to have a purpose. Cherokees lawers fighting in
the courts for 10 years. and many other clews
were ignored.in favor of deamonizing the South.
The need to isolate the renegade Seminoles was the reason given,
for beginning Indian segergation, And where were the Seminoles isolated
when the plan was put in place?
The Seminoles were relocated in the North East corner of Indian
territory, on the border of Kansas and mosuria

( leonard Abbott)
Unfortunately victors rewrite history to justify the part they play in
any war, It usually takes about a 100 years before honest historians
with insight come along, and correct the revisionitss handy work.
It is taking longer than usual, correcting America's Great Civil
War history, because so many Americans are fanatical Abolitionists, for
political and spiritual reasons. It is extremely unpopular for a
historian to suggest, the war was fought for any reason, other than to
abolish slavery.
Although the Anti-slavery movement, was a carbon coppy of the
Communist movement in Europe and Russia,I have never read, writings of
any Historian comparing th two.
Like communists, Abolitionists subversives were sent in by, a
foreign power to encourage citizens to break the law, and disrupt
domestic tranquility, for the purpose of destabilizing the Government.
Although the Communists executed millions of Russians, and
demonized millions more the Russian people, were willing to forgive the
foreign invaders and embraced Communism for 70 years.
Americans today are no different from Russians, several hundred
thousand Americans were killed and Southerners were demonized for a 100
years.and Americans still see the Civil War as something great.
There is a mountain of evidence, indicating England and France
initiated the anti-slavery movement in the US, solely for the purpose of
destabilizing the Gov in Washington.to further Colonilism. around the
America was the only power in the world that opposed Colonialism,
and America was powerfully enough to expel the Colonial Powers from
North and South America.
America's challenge to Clonialism ended with the Civil War.
Everything the European powers wanted, the obtained through America's
weaknesses because of the war.
Although the Abolitionist movement divided the Nation and created
a climate for hate and lowered moral standards.
There was another conflict brewing, that was the real cause for the
North and south going to war with one another.
After a bitter debate in Congress, Florida was admitted to the
Union in 1845.
Bitterness grew as the Northern Politicians began to realize Southern
expansion, westward was endless and the South would eventually, gain
control of Congress,
Just who all was involved, is difficult to say however an idea was
hatched to remove all Indian tribes, in the South and create a barrier,
west of Arkansas. Then making an independent Nation for Indians,
That would exclude White settlers from homesteading west of the Arkansas
Yankee politicians thought they could get away with the plan by
blaming the deed on southern greed, wanting to steal the Indian's land.
History places blame for removal of the Indians on the shoulders of
old hickory. Andrew Jackson, America's most ignorant presedent, however
although Jackson may have been an Indian hater, He loved the South, and
loved the west, and would do nothing to slow expansion, or reduce the
South's political asperations.
There are so many clews and holes in the Indians removal plan, any
historian with average intelegence should have been able to expose, what
the Yankees were up to.
Simple things like the shape of Oklahoma on the map, with a long
handle, the handle had to have a purpose. Cherokees lawers fighting in
the courts for 10 years. and many other clews
were ignored.in favor of deamonizing the South.
The need to isolate the renegade Seminoles was the reason given,
for beginning Indian segergation, And where were the Seminoles isolated
when the plan was put in place?
The Seminoles were relocated in the North East corner of Indian
territory, on the border of Kansas where they could raid setlers if that
was their intent.
Leonard Abbott
2003-10-21 19:59:22 UTC
I admit I made some big mistakes, and didn't do my home work before
I posted, however I stand by my storey that it was the Yankees that were
behind resettling the Indians,
The South had nothing to gain, and the north had everything to
gain from establishing Oklahoma as an Indian Nation.
A little study of Texas history, makes the reason for Indian
segregation, a lot clearer, The Indian removal was in 1838 two years
after Texans won their Independence from mexico in 1836. Texas applied
for State hood and was turned down, because Texas was considered a slave
Ten years later the Union was forced to accept Texas slavery and
all, and gave Texas a luctrive, package that included millions of
dollars and the opportunity to divide into 5 states, as the population
The Texas deal was so luctrive it is obvious, the Yankee
controlled Congress. never intended to honor the treaty.and the Yankees,
had already decided war with the South was unavoidable.
The real purpose for annexing Texas, was to Invade Mexico and move the
Texas border, 150 miles further South.
Hundreds of German settlements were springing up all along the
border with Mexico, Washington feared An alliance between Germany, and
Spain meant the two European Powers were trying to gain a foot hold on
the N American Continent.
I am not exactly sure how this fits into the Indian removal
however Cherokee Indians, were the Second largest ethnic group. next to
white Southerners fighting against Mexico for Independence.
This was 2 years before the Yankee controlled army forcibly moved
th Cherokees to Indian territory.
In my view the brutality, that killed 3,000 Cherokees, was
specifically to make the Cherokees hate all white men.
This supposedly would keep white men out of Indian territory.
The Cherokee women were beautiful, well educated and considered
themselves Southerners, marrying a white man was not considered bad in
the eyes of the Cherokees. especially considering so many Cherokee men
had left for Texas.
The Cherokees being more civilized and more Southern seems to be
the reason,
the Cherokees were singled out for ill treatment by the Yankee army.
After the illegal annexation of Texas. in 1846, and Texas was
given State hood,
Zachary Tailor invaded mexico, and covertly established Richard King,
Stone wall Jackson's river boat Captain as a dictator, over all the
land seized from Mexico, between the Rio Grand and the Nuecess river.
Cattle ranching was the cover, however keeping Europeans out of
Texas was the Governments goal for Establishing the worlds largest
cattle ranch, still known as ''the king Ranch''
Prior to the Mexican invasion, a Ship could dock in Corpus Christi
harbor, It's passengers could slip across the Nuecess River, and melt
into any of the hundreds of European settlements, from the hill country
to San Patricio on the Gulf coast.
The ruthless dictatorial practices established by the Yankees,
continued by King' descendants for decades, Trespassers were shot on
sight, as late as the 1940s. the practice was finally sloped because the
trespassers began shooting back.
Outlaw hunters or machos, loved the danger and would shoot a fence
rider before they could themselves be shot.
With so many orphents and widdows, to care for. The Kings finally
decided to end the practice. Word was put out, that no more traspassers
would be shot.
Growing up in the no mans land south of the Nuecess river, many
things are learned from experience, that can not be learned from reading
recorded history.
Growing up I often wondered ''why are were there so many German
Catholic towns north of the Nuecess, and none south of the river,
I also learned most of the land in the No mans land, at one time
was settled with Mexicans, and the Mexicans were driven of the land at
the barrel of a gun.
This I learned from descendants of those that were driven from the land
by the yankee, invaders.
Although the Yankee plan to seperate Indians from whites was a
misrable fallier.
the over all plan to stop Southern expansion, at the Arkansas border was
a great sucess. It would be 88 years after the plan, to remove the
Indians from their land, until Oklahoma became a state in
1910. By this time most of the west was settled through Kansas and
The long pan handle added to the State of Oklahoma was added by
washington to keep Texans from mengling with sympthizers in Colorado.
Phil Diamond
2003-10-22 05:26:10 UTC
Historians are responsible for **all** past Social Problems. You can
read about these problems in any comprehensive history text. The
bastards must even be proud of causing them to write them up afterwards!

Cordially, Phil
Dr Phil Diamond ***@maths.uq.edu.au
Department of Mathematics, University of Queensland, Brisbane,AUSTRALIA 4072.
Tel +61 7 3365 3253 Fax +61 7 3365 1477
Leonard Abbott
2003-10-23 21:26:26 UTC
Ugleyness of the Anti-slavery movement
Leonard - I agree that in this country, and throughout the world, there
are those who will not be accountable for their own choices. As to the
anti slavery movement being a "foreign plot to bring down America",
sorry, but that is pure drivel.
=A0=A0=A0=A0=A0=A0=A0=A0=A0=A0=A0=A0Lamarr, nothing in American history
has so much evidence proving the Colonial powers England and France,
used the Anti-slavery movement to divide and conquer America.
=A0=A0=A0=A0=A0=A0=A0=A0=A0=A0=A0=A0=A0=A0=A0=A0Just 10 years after the
war of 1812, King George still smarting over the defeat. The king sent a
schooner with a flew turn coat Americans aboard, to the west coast of
Africa, and established a colony, between the English Colony of Sierra
Leon and the French colony od Ghana.
=A0=A0=A0=A0=A0=A0=A0=A0=A0=A0=A0=A0The name of the Colony was liberia,
and it's purpose was a home land for escaped slaves, most all of
Europe's slaves hundreds of thousands were already returned to Sierra
=A0=A0=A0=A0=A0=A0=A0=A0=A0=A0Although Liberia was the size of the state
of Ohio, only 6,000 American freed slaves, were ever returned to
liberia. Lincoln promised the nation, all Africans would be
returned to Africa. when the war ended.
=A0=A0=A0=A0=A0=A0=A0=A0=A0=A0This little piece of history alone, should
convince any open mind, the entire operation was a Foreign plan to
influence The US. Lincoln was unable to fulfill his promise because
England and France, would not allow the Africans returned. when the war
=A0=A0=A0=A0=A0=A0=A0=A0=A0=A0=A0=A0Most likely the Supper powers,
wanted the Africans to remain in America, to keep the Anti-slavery
movement alive.
=A0=A0=A0=A0=A0=A0=A0=A0=A0=A0=A0=A0=A0=A0Shortly after the Colony of
Liberia was established, The king started up a string of news papers in
upper NY and began smuggling escaped slaves into the English Colony of
Canada and from here they were transported to Liberia.
=A0=A0=A0=A0=A0=A0=A0=A0=A0=A0=A0=A0=A0=A0=A0=A0The most famous of these
News papers was ''The North Star, it's editors were Feredic Douglas and
Susan B anthony,
=A0=A0=A0=A0=A0=A0=A0=A0=A0=A0=A0=A0=A0=A0After the movement was well
established, and a chapter of the ANTI-SLAVERY SOCIETY, of America, was
formed Fredric Douglas left the North Star and started another paper in
washington DC.
=A0=A0=A0=A0=A0=A0=A0=A0=A0=A0It was here Hariet Beachier Stow, working
for Fredric Douglas, wrote America's most favorite Novel
'' Uncle Toms Cabin''. The point is Slavery could have ended in America
at any time, if the abolitionists had expanded, their movement to the
south .
Lamarr wrote
The southern legislators were arrogant, refused to abide by the terms of
the Missouri compromise,
I don't pretend to understand all the, aspects of using the
physiology of hate.
There was enough hate on both sides to
go around, however the hate coming from the Abolitionists, was far more
organized and affective, perhaps there were some Abolitionists that
wanted to expand the movement to the South.
Never the less, those that were more interested , in power and
hate for the South, far out numbered those interested, in ending
slavery, so the movement continued to divide the Country, pushing the
two sides to the brink of war.
=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3DLamarr wrote
The founding fathers argued mightily over the slavery issue before the
Republic was founded, and it took no foreign propaganda for millions of
people to recognize that buying and seling other humans was revolting
and repugnant.
Lamarr that is exactly why the King of England choose Anti-slavery
to divide the country, he knew most of the Country wanted to abolish
Gaining support was no problem, the trick was to make it appear
Americans were behind the Anti-slavery movement and at the same time
control the movement across the Niagra river in Canada.
This was acomplished in several ways.
Most everything in Liberia was given american names,, the Captol was
named Monrovia after the American presedent, James Monro, Towns and war
ships were named after famous Americans.
Demonizing the South, was the principal way Americans were
prevented from spreading Anti-slavery to the South.
Lamarr wrote
The only "foreign plot" was the limited support and promises that France
and Britain gave the rebels.
The irony of the movement is England and France were, agatating both
Northerners and Southerners, They were promising Arms, if the South
the Union, and at the same time, demonizing the south, in the North,,
through the Forighn controled media.

The southern legislators were arrogant, refused to abide by the terms of
the Missouri compromise,
The Missouri compromise, was about limiting, the Souths, ability to
expand, like the Cherokee, trail of tears, Slavery was thrown in but the
real purpose of the Compromise was to limit the south's, democratic
right to Gain control of Washington, through the ballot, of course the
South would not go for it.

Lemarr wrote
They wanted a war, and Lincoln let them have it, and some are still
squealing that their ancestors got what they wanted.
My ancestors like most White people living in the South today,
migrated fron the North to the South years after the Civil war.
Lamarr you have no idea the harm
That was done to the Nation, because of Americas weekness during and
after the Cicil war.
For the First 100 years, only the South was made to suffer, now
the rest of the Nation is begining to suffer,
After the battle of Gettysburg, both the North and South were beat
up. lincoln sent an envoy to England and France, to plead with the
Supper powers, to stop selling arms to the South,
It was then the two powers, revealed. just exactly what they
wanted from the US. It appears a line was drawn, through Oklahoma, down
theough Texas to the Rio Grand, everything East of the line was to be
settled by Indians and Texans, and everything west of the line was to be
sold to European investors. the long standing trudition of home steads
had ended.
The west in the future would, be open range, and Huge Catle
empires, owned by mostly European land lords.any setlers , or Squaters
as they were now called, would be driven from the land .
With out land, America's Social fabric,
was destroyed, Men were forced to work as cowboys, for a meger wage and
women were forced to work in Salons
The problem in texas, was accute because much of the land, west
of lincolns line, was already settled and improved, A minor war broke
out called '' The Texas barb wire war''. European land lords were
lynched, as the Texans tried to reclaim their land.
These patroits went down in history, as a bunch of outlaws, out to
lynch anyone loyal to the North.


The ownership of one human by another is the most evil thing on the
face of the earth, next to murder.

Le there are many things more evil than slavery, The burning at the
stale of thousands and perhaps millions of Protestants, because they
desired Religious fredom, Castrating young boys to pervent their voices
from changing, so they could continue singing in the church quier, this
was worse than slavery.
Liberals ignore these things because they were crimes commited by
the Catholic Church, and the Catholic Church is very politically
Correct, It is the present foundation of Liberalism.
American slavery is evil because, late coming Catholic and Jews
inheareted the Anti-slavery movement when the Colonial powers fell, The
old rivelry between the Northern and Southern protestants was rekindled
and hi tuned, Then given a new name, Civil rights, the name was changed
but the propaganda and purpose remained the same.
